A Great Week in the Jungle…

On Monday the children learned what Constitution Day by connecting it our classroom created promises/rules and had a discussion about how the United States have a set of rules too. We recited the Pledge of Allegiance and our class pledge, leaned about some famous American landmarks and people (George Washington, Ben Franklin, the White House, the American Flag, etc) and created American Flag hats! It was dun to celebrate our country!


During Math time we have been reading Anno’s Counting Book which helped us learn number relationships by counting groups of objects.  The children have applied this concept by drawing their own scenes to show groups of 2-5.  I hope that you have asked your child to explain their scene drawings to you as they arrive home.  We also used our math trays, mini square tiles and number tiles to build concepts of numbers 1-5 and to begin to add and subtract totals of 2 and 3. The children are reciting number poems to help them learn the proper formation of writing their numbers.  We are having fun saying these poems while we use mini chalkboards, mini whiteboards and create rainbow writings of our numbers.  So far we have learned poems for the numbers 0-5.  This week we will learn the poems for numbers 6 & 7.  Please ask your child to recite these number poems for you as they practice writing their numbers at home.

We have begun our Writer’s Workshop by having the children tell stories about themselves and things that they know and can do.  The children are learning to use their storytelling voice (loud enough for the listener to hear) and to look at their audience. They are also learning to listen when others are telling stories.  At home, you can support your child’s oral storytelling by telling stories yourself about things you know and can do (everyday events your child can relate to) and by asking your child to tell you the story they told at school.  Help your child remember stories by practicing telling stories at home and encourage them to tell these stories at school.  Have fun telling stories!

In our Reading Workshop time we explored concept books, books with things we know and can read, abc’s, numbers, shapes, colors, store and restaurant signs, food labels, etc. We also worked on looking at a books cover to learn what a book might be about. We continued to read and love our books!

We also had fun this week learning the Gummy Bear song, Who Stole the Cookies? and continued enjoyment singing the Cool Bear Hunt!


Special Reminders and Things to Note: 

Explorers of the Jungle next week- Isabel (Mon.), Anna (Tues.), Micah (Wed.), Jackson (Thur.), and Levi (Fri.)

”YELLOW”  was our color word along with our popcorn words “I, a, see”.

*Our first day of Library will begin this week Tuesday! Your child will be checking out their first book of the year then!

*Walk-a-thon—Wednesday, Sept. 26.  We will be walking from 9:45-10:00am.  You are welcome to come and cheer us on as we have fun walking!   Please send in donations in the envelope labeled with your childs name and Yankee-Kindergarten. Thank you for supporting your child and Georgetown school!  Refer to the earlier posting for exact details about class and individual prizes.

*In honor of our Walk-a-Thon, be sure to wear blue and yellow to show your Hudsonville spirit.  🙂

*A reminder that the HEF Family Fundraiser is rescheduled for this Friday, September 28.  It will begin at Eagle Stadium at 4:30pm with a Mrs. Burdis, Mr. Kooiker, and Mr. Jurewicz, Georgetown teachers, at the dunk tank!

*Don’t forget to send your child in a coat or sweatshirt as the weather is being to feel like fall.  We go outside to play unless it is raining.

*The October Lunch Menu is available for viewing by going to the Hudsonville Food Service link on the side of our blog page or by clicking on lunch menu.

Thanks so much for all your continued support! I hope you enjoy our first weekend of fall!

Ms. Yankee