Save your books!

Yesterday, the students came home with the first of many color books and poems they created! The students should be able to sing you the Red Song and read the Red Book to you using their reading finger! They’re becoming readers already! Please continue to practice these at home. A fun idea might be to decorate a special shoe box together for saving these books and poems they can read in! They will be able to start a mini collection of books! Later in the year our popcorn word books will make their way home too!

They should all know how to read and spell RED this week!!! We had had fun learning together!!!


What a wonderful class…


Hello Kindergarten Families,

We had a fun packed five day week, where we all grew closer as a classroom team! I am so proud of all of them for their ability to quickly pick up our classroom procedures and follow our classroom promises. Thank you for doing a great job of developing a new back to school schedule, getting them to bed on time, as that has been essential to our classroom success this week!

We had 5 great explorers of the week! Wow! I was impressed in how well each of them did in leading our calendar time and presenting their projects to our class! Way to go, Lexi, Brendan, Isaiah, Hayley and Chloe! 

Cool Tools for the week included: The Shoe (to know when to walk away from a situation), the Ice Cube (to have self control when things are uncomfortable), the Microphone (to check the sound and tone of our voice towards others), the Kaleidoscope (seeing the beauty and importance in the differences others bring), and finally a Bug and a Wish (to help us learn how to approach and voice to others to stop when we are being treated unfairly).  More information regarding the tools learned this week were sent home with your child daily.

I was proud this week when I saw so many of the students applying these cool tools to our classroom, as we all learned to communicate effectively and peacefully to get along. I am so excited to see them keep these tools in mind all year!

 This weeks academic highlights included, learning how to graph our commonalities and differences, learning how to write numbers 0-3 in handwriting, continued practice and review of our zoophonics, setting the classroom environment for our writing workshop, and learning to create math scenes to represent quanties of 2 and 3.

We also have been busy each afternoon visiting with Mrs. Bast, our school reading specialist to see our knowledge of letters and sounds, as we prepare to begin the planning stages for our literacy centers (small reading groups) this year.  We are just about completed with these assessments for all students.

“Red” was our Popcorn word (sight word) for the week.  In connection, we learned a song and created a mini flip book.  We will continue to practice reading this books and other beginning readers in our reading workshop time. We learned to use our eagle eye , using the pictures to help us with the words and our reading finger to point as we read the words this week! Please hold on to this book at home and others that come home too to re-read (those shoeboxes will return soon creatively decorated for this storage purpose). 

Explorers of the Jungle for next week include, Megan, Xavier, Ivy, Ethan and Ashley!

Enjoying our new butterfly rug!


Exploring new centers during L.I.P. (Learning in Play) time: 



Important Information and Reminders:


**Picture day – Monday, Sept 17.  If interested in purchasing, don’t forget to send in your child’s envelope with payment and selection choice (an order form arrived home with your child this past week).

**Please review our September Calendar, as it contains the theme and popcorn words for each week, as well as important reminders. 

**Please pack a healthy daily snack for your child

Hope your enjoying the beautiful sunshine this weekend!

Ms. Yankee 🙂