Jungle News- Oct.21-25

5 SENSES: We continued to learn about and use our 5 senses this week. We had the opportunity to use our ears to hear various sounds and identify them and we used our hands to touch many different objects which we then needed to identify. The children put all of their 5 senses to the test on our field trip to the Career Tech Center on Wednesday. We had so much fun and learned so much. Thank you so much to ALL of our MANY wonderful parent chaperones, who attended this trip with us. We appreciated all of your help and couldn’t have done it without you! Thank you so much!!:) I hope that you enjoy this short slide show.

MATH:  We began to tell simple addition and subtraction stories using family scenarios.  For example: “1 piece of toast popped up from the toaster.  I put in 2 more slices and they popped up.  How many pieces of toast are there?”  The children were introduced to the 5-penny strip.  We learned how we can relate this 5-penny strip to our 5 fingers on one hand and to the 5-group on the number parade.  The children also reviewed and practiced writing the number 6.

WRITER’S WORKSHOP:  The students continue to develop their skill of adding details,labels and words to their stories.  The children are doing a wonderful job of  stretching their words out like “bubble gum”, saying words slowly as they try to listen for letter sounds when adding their labels.  I am impressed with their attention to detail as they draw their pictures and the many labels in their drawings!  Wow!

HANDWRITING:  We began learning to write STARTING CORNER letters H,K,L,U this week.  STARTING CORNER letters all start in the corner.  The children are doing an impressive job of learning to begin their letters “at the top” and write them neatly.  I am so proud of their hard work!  :)

SCIENCE: We predicted and tested which Fall seasonal items would float or sink through experiments this week.  We even charted out findings  Everyone enjoyed this activity very much!

READING WORKSHOP:  Learned about the importance of reading from left to right.  We quickly learned  how silly it sounded (and how the information did not make sense) if we did not read the words in the proper order and direction.  Practicing the art of reading left to right by following along with our pointing finger has been so helpful.  Please encourage and practice this strategy with your child.

*We had 2 mystery readers this week! Mrs. Szlachcic, Maggie’s mom surprised us on Thursday with two of Maggies favorites! Our favorite was Five Monkey’s Jumping on the Bed, we even joined in and read along! Then Mrs. Ball, Isaiah’s mom surprised us on Friday the book, Officer Buckle and Gloria, a funny book about a dog with special safety tips! More mystery readers to come! I will be contacting more parents soon! 


5TH GRADE BUDDIES: Our 5th grade Bus Buddies from Mr. Gort’s Classroom teamed up with us for our first reading buddy Friday! Most of us are paired up with our regular bus buddy from the week, but some of us had the opportunity to meet our 5th grade buddy for the first time! We will try to shoot for a visit with our buddies every other Friday. This week the 5th graders came to our room with a book to read us and then we got to read one of our book box books to them! 🙂 We had a blast and look forward to more fun times to come! 

Marco’s Pizza Thursday! We enjoyed a relaxing lunch in our classroom on Thursday for our Marco pizza party! Yummy! Thanks to Mrs. William’s for the healthy carrots and HUGE grapes and Mrs. Banach for the juice boxes, they were the perfect compliment to our pizza!



*Still looking for more Winter Bundler Helpers! Its quickly getting colder! Please contact Lori Armstrong by e-mail at lorijoarmstrong@hotmail.com. Still in need of someone for Wednesday’s and part-time for any other week day! Remember even if you can just help once a month, your help is definitely still appreciated! You would need to be available from 11:10-11:35am! Thank you! 

*Popcorn words for the week were “we” , “will”, and color word “orange”.  Thank you so much for practicing the popcorn words at home.  All of your hard work is evident at school.

*Library day is Tuesday.  Don’t forget to bring back your library book!

*Picture re-takes will be on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30.  Please remember if you are having re-takes done to make sure your child brings their picture booklet back to hand in.  Also, if your child missed picture day, this is when he/she can get a picture taken.  Please send in the original order form with your child.

*Costumes are welcomed on Halloween! Your child is welcome to wear their costume to school, if possible over their school clothes. Please be advised that following our holiday party, your child’s costume /accessories will be packed away in a bag for the remainder of the day.  Be sure to label their bag so that all parts will be safely returned home at the end of the day for their trick-or-treating fun with you.  (Just a reminder:  no weapons, gore or scary attire/paint, please.)

*Our Kindergarten Fall Parade will take place at 9:45am followed by our Fall party from 10:00 to 11:00am on Wednesday. Looking forward to all of the wonderful party volunteers joining us that morning. If you didn’t originally sign up to volunteer, your definitely still welcome to come watch the parade!

* Friday, November 2 is Records Day – there will be No School for students

* Parent-Teacher Conferences will take place Nov. 5, 7, and 8.  Conference times have been scheduled and a note notifying of you of your day and time will be sent home in your child’s blue jungle book folder on Monday, Oct. 29

*Your child’s October Reading Calendar is due by the end of this week.  Please return it to school for their Pizza Hut reading award coupon.

* The flu virus has seemed to make its way through all of us at some point the past few weeks! So please, please get your flu shots if you haven’t already! Hopefully, its done and over with now for awhile! 🙂

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

~Ms. Yankee