Weekly Update 1/13-1/17

Popcorn Words:   said and make – We talked about the bossy e on the end of make and looked for these books as we read! It makes me smile when I see how excited the kiddos get finding/reading these words in their own books. The January flashcards were sent home, keep practicing!

Reader’s Workshop: We continued “Revving up as Readers” by looking at how letters can help us read! This was a review of our beanie baby decoding strategies. We looked at how “Lips the Fish”, focusing on the beginning sound in a word is important. Then we talked about how this strategy works, but sometimes we have to switch up our thinking using our “Eagle Eye” and “Lips the Fish” together, for example, a picture of a heart could be the word “heart” or “valentine”. Finally, we ended the week by talking about looking all the way through the word as we read to make sure were reading the author’s words.

Writer’s Workshop: We are learning and working on writing Personal Narratives, also known as Small Moments.  The children are growing as writers and are doing a fabulous job of zooming in on a small moment and writing about what happened first, next, then and last.  They are also editing their work to make sure that have included spaces between words, sentence stoppers (. ! ?), as well as including detailed drawings with labels.  I am so very proud of our Kindergartners!! We love sharing under the camera 🙂

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Math: We continued working on seeing the tens in the teen numbers (13 is a ten and 3 extra ones). We also reviewed our shapes (triangle, rectangle, circle, square) and used shape manipulatives to create other shapes. For instance, we put together triangles to make rectangles, it was a puzzle of fun! Math this week also worked on ways we can sort objects, size, color, shape, etc. Were having fun and learning lots! Keep doing your Wednesday math homework!!

Handwriting: We learned how to write more lowercase letters this week! Keep reinforcing lowercase at home!  The kinders are excited to see their last name written on their table name tags.  We are working on writing our “full name” correctly on our papers.  This means ONLY the first letter is capital and the rest of the letters are lower case.  The  kinders are able to write their full name but many of the letters are written incorrectly.  There is a mix of upper and lower case letters within the first and last name.  Please begin practicing this new skill at home.  Thanks! :)

Lauren’s Birthday: Happy 6th Birthday Lauren! It was fun to celebrate you on Wednesday!

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Hand Washing Lesson: With the flu season approaching we were reminded by Grandma Pinque, (a kindergartners grandma in Mrs. Estefan’s class) how we can keep bad germs from getting inside our bodies.  We  learned to keep our hands away from our eyes, mouth, ears, nose…all of openings on our face. Germs get in that way. We also learned that proper hand washing will help keep the germs away.  She sprayed special germ away lotion on Mitchell and Emma’s hands (chosen volunteers) and used a special light so we could see germs. That was so cool!!  Then we learned that if we scrub our hands with soap and sing “Happy Birthday” two times, it will be long enough to clean away most of the dirty germs.  Boy, were we all lined up at the sink afterwards to wash those germs away! I hope they showed you their good/bad bug this weekend and shared their knowledge!

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Rockstar PJ Party/Mystery Reader:  We had a great time Friday in our cozy pj’s! Mrs. Bromley, Kadon’s mom and his little sister, Lilah showed up as our mystery readers! We loved listening to 2 stories with our stuffed animals. THANK YOU!!! Then later in the afternoon it was a fort, fun wonderland! We will continue to work towards our next rockstar jar party for great behavior!

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5th Grade Buddies: We also got to enjoy our special  Friday with our 5th grade buddies. We loved listening to the stories they checked out from the library especially for us!

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 Save the Date/Reminders:

100th Day of School Celebration: Thursday, Feb. 13th, 100 Day collection note will come home this week and will be due on the 13th. Start planning your 100 day collections soon!

Valentine’s Party: Friday, Feb. 14th 2-3:00 pm. Mark your calendar! More information to come! Start thinking about buying valentines, we have 24 students total. A note with the class list will come home this week.

Thank you to all of the people who have shown an interest in helping with our Take Home Book Program.  This program will be a success thanks to the volunteers who come in to allow the children the opportunity to read aloud.  I am beginning to prepare the volunteer schedule, and will share that with my volunteers as soon as it is completed.  My hope is to start this program the beginning of February.

Library:  We will visit each Wednesday, so please help your child remember to return their book.  Thanks!

Backpack Snack:  Please pack your child a healthy daily snack.

Box Tops:  We will collect Box Tops through Thursday Feb., 13.  Please label with your child’s name and teacher.  Thank  you for saving these for our school!!

No School:  There will be no school on Friday, January 31 and Monday, February 3.

Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their Sunday! 🙂 


Jungle News: Week of 15-19th


MATH: The children did a great job drawing objects of teen numbers and locating the 10-groups within their mini teen number book. I hope that you were impressed when they showed it to you.  Finding partners of numbers was also practiced along with numbers that are greater than and less than other numbers.

SOCIAL STUDIES:  We completed our booklets relating to Me on the Map by adding the United States and the World.  We sang a fun song to learn the names of the oceans too. The children have been fascinated with this and are amazed by how they can zoom in and pinpoint exactly where they are on this great big earth! We had fun zooming out using Google Maps to see exactly where Georgetown Elementary sits in reference to our entire globe. The children brought their books home on Friday, ask them to read them to you! We will continue to talk about ways we can be responsible to take care of the Earth next week!

SCIENCE:  Rocks, Rocks, Rocks!  We began the week by sharing our favorite rock from our collection to the entire class. It was fun to talk about all the differences and similarities we saw in our rocks and hear where everyone found their collections! We did three experiments with our rock collections throughout the week! We sorted our rocks by texture, rough or smooth, we had fun exploring the different colors of our rocks, and finally we weighed our rocks to compare the heaviest to the lightest in our collections. Thanks so much for helping your child in their rock search!

WRITER’S WORKSHOP:  ‘Authors using mentor texts’  was still the theme for learning to be better writers.  We read Shortcuts by Donald Crews to explore how Crews used sound words to add to his story. We went back to our small moment stories and worked hard on adding sound words. We also explored how authors can add feelings to their story by adding character feelings to the words and/or pictures, like Kevin Henkes did in Lily’s Chocolate Heart. We had fun sharing the feelings we added in our stories with a partner. Later in the week we worked hard on going back to our stories to check for capitals ( I, names and to start a sentence) and periods! We all need to continue working on this while we write! Finally, we ended the week by reading Pete the Cats Big Lunch, where the author adds thinking and talking bubbles to his pictures. The children did a wonderful job this week of  growing their stories! We will continue to revise and edit a story this week for our writing celebration on Thursday with Mrs. Iwema’s class!

SPLIT LIT: We have begun something new and exciting.  For the next few weeks we are using our knowledge of popcorn words, reading skills and reading strategies to read familiar stories in the format of reader theater plays. We were each assigned a special role in a play, a character or a narrator. The children are really working on studying the characters in the play to use expression and act with feeling when preforming their parts. They ‘re having so much fun practicing their roles! We will be performing these plays the beginning of next week for each other!  Be sure to ask your child what role they have!

5TH GRADE BUDDIES:   On Friday we visited our buddies in Mr. Gort’s room to read books and enjoy our popcorn together! We had lots of fun sharing books together!

MYSTERY READERS: This week we had two very special mystery readers! Mrs. Williams, Cadence and Cole’s ‘Nana’ visited us on Thursday, she read 2 wonderful books to the class! Hello Ocean was a beautifully illustrated book that told of the 5 senses of the ocean. She shared this book because it reminded her of the wonderful spring break trip with her grandchildren to the ocean in Florida. She also shared an old favorite that Cadence and Cole’s dad used to hear when he was little, The Sheepish Lion. The students loved listening to these books and being visited by a very special grandma! She got to meet each of us and have a special room tour! Thanks for visiting us, Mrs. Williams!


Our second mystery reader this week was Elizabeth Ball, Isaiah’s sister from Mr. Bowen’s 4th grade class! Elizabeth was our very first sibling mystery reader and what a great treat it was to have her visit! She read Berenstain Bears, Lend a Helping Hand, a book with a great message and one of her favorites as a kindergartner! I was so excited to have Elizabeth volunteer to surprise our class! Thanks Elizabeth for joining us!



*Popcorn word this week was “they”.  Ask your child the fun song we learned to help us remember how to spell ‘they’.

*Library day is Tuesday.  Bring back that book! :)

*Our playground is wet and muddy! When the rain stops and it will,  PLEASE, PLEASE send boots or other outside shoes for your child to wear so that we keep our classroom floors clean and tidy.  They will need to stay on the pavement if not dressed appropriately.  Thank you so much!

*The last book order forms will be coming home this week! If you would like one more opportunity to purchase some wonderful books for summer reading please don’t pass this opportunity up! This will also be the final chance to use up you $5 free book coupon from a past book order.

*Mrs. Reagan has posted the link to the annual parent survey to assist with class list building for 2013-14.  If you would like to complete this, it is open through April 26.

*The annual art show for all HPS students is next week.  The special day for Georgetown is Tuesday, April 23rd from 5:30-7:30pm. Please click on Mrs. Brower’s art blog to learn more http://josettebrouwer.edublogs.org/2013/03/13/2013-hps-student-art-show/

*Field Trip:  We will be visiting the Outdoor Discovery Center, in connection to our living/non-living and plant units, on Thursday, May 9.  If your interested in joining us or would like to order your child a sack lunch from school please return the pink form back to school on Monday, April 22! I will be in contact with all my interested chaperons this week as I may need to limit the number of wonderful volunteers for this trip. I will be allowing all parents that didn’t go with us on the fall field trip priority to join us first then it may be first come first serve after that. Please also send $2 with your child in a marked envelope with your child’s name and field trip money to school no later then May 3rd!

*Summer Tutoring: I will be tutoring Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings at Georgetown this summer. If you’re interested in keeping your child’s skills fresh and helping them improve over the summer to be well prepared for first grade please e-mail me.  I would love to continue to work one-on-one with your child!

Enjoy this beautiful sunshine today!

~Ms. Yankee