Our Wonderful First Week!

Wow! What a wonderful class of Kindergarteners I have!  It has been a lot of fun getting to know one another this week!  We have worked hard at developing routines and procedures to set up a peaceful and cooperative classroom community.

Our big focus this week was on creating our “Classroom Promise” we did this together by asking ourselves, “How do you want to be treated? ” and “What will we do if their is a problem?” As a class team we complied all of our ideas to create a promise that will fit right under our sign for “Rules of the Jungle”. We even made a pinkie promise to each other on it and signed our names. Each time one of us makes a mistake, breaking our promise they will be asked to move their clip on our rainbow chart. If I see that this student is making better choices again they will have a chance to move their way back up!

We also focused on getting to know one another through our “Me Bags”, it was fun to see all the common interests our classroom team had. I think I have everyone’s name down now and know a little more about each of you!

We have begun to learn the importance of treating others nicely, and with the help of our “Cool Tools,” we have read many books and fun ways to remember how to use them in our daily lives.  We learned about the eraser tool with the help of the book Rainbow Fish, by Marcus Pfister to learn the importance of forgiving others mistakes, as well as our own.  We learned about the toothpaste tool after reading the book Chrysanthemum, by Kevin Henkes, which helped us to understand that it is hard to take back a hurtful word we may say, just like it is hard to put toothpaste back into it’s tube.  The last tool we learned this week was the nice dice by reading the book ish, by Peter A. Reynolds.  This book helped us see the importance of  giving nice compliments and how good it makes our the hearts of others feel, as well as how nice it makes our own feel.  We are excited to learn a few more next week, and best of all, use them with our friends each day as all of these “tools” are apart of our promise to each other.

We also had the opportunity to celebrate two birthdays already this week, Maggie and Faith’s special day! I hope they enjoyed their Birthday Banana’s from me 🙂

Learning and playing together during our L.I.P (Learning in Play) time and recess time, made for some fun times during our first week of school. This helped us learn to work through conflict and make new friends!

It was fun to have our first Reading Workshop lesson of learning how we can read the pictures! Here the students are reading and LOVING their books! 🙂

We also had some special visitors on Friday! We were introduced to Georgia, the school lizard. And Milo, Mrs. Reagan’s dog 🙂


A Few Important Reminders:

*A shoebox covered in aluminum foil is due Wednesday! Your can send this in starting Monday with your child!

*Explorers next week will be Lexi, Brendan, Isaiah, Chloe and Hayley. Please check the tab “Schedules” for when your child will have this special job.

*Please send a healthy snack for your child each day.

*Blue folders are to be sent to school each day (you are all doing a great job with this!  Thank you!!)

*If ordering a hot lunch or milk, please discuss with your child what they will be ordering so that they are comfortable and secure with their selections.

*A Birthday Schedule, listing full and 1/2 birthdays is posted under “Schedules” for your reference.

*Finally, rest!  It was a full first four days of school, and I am sure a schedule adjustment for many of these little ones.  Thank you for all you do in helping them be ready to learn! I am looking forward to our next week ahead!

Have a nice weekend!

Ms. Yankee