
Dear Kinder families,

On Friday your kinder took home their very first TAKE HOME book.  You will find inside their folder a big zip-lock bag, labeled with their name, a coral sheet with details on the directions/program, a white parent comment sheet, a reading strategies bookmark and a book just right for them to read.  Remember that TAKE HOME books are not meant to be challenging for your kinder to read.  They should feel successful to be able to read these books.  (We will save the challenging books for school learning 🙂 Our goal is to read at a B level by February and a D level by the end of the school year.

Please encourage and support your kinder as needed when they read their book to you.  It is good to read the book more than one time and on different occasions.  PLEASE KEEP THIS BOOK HOME UNITL MONDAY, JANUARY 16.  Monday will be the first day that your kinder will read their book with a parent volunteer at school. Parent volunteers will read with the kinders on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. DON’T FORGET THAT READING RAINBOW POPCORN WORD LISTS HAPPEN ON WEDNESDAY’S TOO! 

The kinders were very excited to begin this new adventure.  Happy Reading!!!! 🙂

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