Thanks for coming to Open House!

Thank you to everyone who made it to Open House this evening! We had a great turnout! It was a busy room, kinda felt like we were in the jungle at times with how packed in it was! 🙂  It was so nice to meet all my new kindergartners and their wonderful parents. I am so thrilled with the wonderful group I have this year. I can’t wait to start working together.

Thanks to many of the families that already dropped off their supplies. And many more thanks for all the wonderful donations that came in too.

Please note:

*The blue folder entitled “Jungle Book” is your child’s take home folder! This will go to and from school with them everyday! It is a place to put any notes for me and homework in. Our blog will still be our main form of communication, but the folder will be our second form, work from school, any office notes, etc. will make their way home in this folder. Please check the folder nightly and return to school the next day. The white folder you also received can be thrown away, send back those important papers back in their BLUE Jungle Book! 

*They have their first homework assignment- “The Me Bag” to be completed for the first day inside! 

*Have fun counting down the days with your chain and don’t forget to read the poem with the confetti next Monday night together! 

*Lastly, the 2 nametags in your child’s folder are to be worn on day 1 and 2 of school! Send them in their name tag! My name is on them so we will all end up in the right place that busy, first day morning! 🙂 

Hope that clears up everything in that folder! I know you got a lot of information tonight so please don’t hesitate to e-mail me with any questions that come up before next Tuesday! Until then, enjoy the last week of summer!