Kids Heart Challenge information came home yesterday and will begin on Feb. 1! This challenge is a fun event where students learn about their hearts while helping others by raising money for the American Heart Association. It prepares your child for success through physical and emotional well-being. Please note that this year the program can only be done online. For more information, check for the Kids Heart Challenge envelope in your child’s blue folder. You can also go to the PE Blog to learn more.
Author Archives: yankee
Annual PE Apparel Sale is Happening Now!
The Annual PE Apparel sale is happening now until February 1. The store is online only. For more information go to the PE Blog.
P.E. Cares Food Drive Begins tomorrow, 11/4-11/18 !!!
The annual P.E. C.A.R.E.S food drive will be starting on November 4. We are asking for your help by bringing in non-perishable food items for Love Inc. in Hudsonville.
Food items to consider are canned vegetables and fruits, pasta, rice, baked beans, black beans, kidney beans, peanut butter, tuna fish, etc. (please no ramen noodles, and please do not break apart packaged food)
The food drive will continue until Nov. 18. We will be keeping track of how many items each class brings in. The class with the most items brought in by NOON on Nov. 18 will win a P.E. C.A.R.E.S t-shirt and a bowling trip to Hudsonville Lane. (If allowed this year)
This is a great opportunity for our students to care for their community, to teach our kids compassion and love for others. Thanks for sharing in this service project with us at Georgetown.
Virtual Turkey Trot 2020
Calling all runners!! Hudsonville PE will have a virtual Can’t Stop the Turkey Trot this year. Read the flyer below and register at this link: Turkey Trot Sign Up.
Math Update…
Here’s an update on terms and strategies that we will be using to solve story problems.
2020 Walk-a-thon!
We are holding our annual WALKATHON on September 24. This is our primary fundraiser for the year. One of our objectives in the Parent Club is to raise money to help cover costs such as classroom supplies, technology upgrades, storage solutions, books, field trips, parent/child events and other needed items for each class.
We want to promote a healthy lifestyle to our students and the community. Please help us reach our fundraising goal by supporting our Walkathon. We have teamed up with Get Movin’© to make this event fun and profitable with online mobile friendly technology!
We Need All Parents to Complete 3 Easy Steps!
- Register your Child by visiting It’s free, easy, and fast to register! For School Identifier use 5f3d669d605c9
- Consider sending an Email and/ or Text of your child’s student fundraising webpage with 10-15 friends and family. It’s super easy!
- Consider Posting on Facebook or Twitter It’s two clicks of a button to post. You’ll be surprised when donations come in from distant relatives/friends from HS/co-workers. Post and see what happens!
Student Goals!
- We would love 100% student registration. Please visit today!
- Each student is encouraged to raise at least $30.
- Be an Overachiever Superstar by raising at least $150.
Event details:
- Register your Child using School Identifier 5f3d669d605c9
- Event Date: Thursday, September 24, 2020
- Final Donation due date: September 30, 2020
- Donations can be online through your child’s webpage. Otherwise, donations in the form of cash & checks (in-school donations), should be turned in to the school.
- Please make checks payable to: Georgetown Elementary PTC.
Individual Goal Rewards
All students are encouraged to reach their individual donation goal of $30.00.
- Any donation (in-school or online) = Entered in a random drawing for prizes!
- Prizes include Electric Scooters and Gift Cards to places such as Amazon, Target, and Barnes & Noble.
- Individual Donation goal of $30 = Hudsonville Eagles T-shirt (Parents: be sure to add size when registering).
Group Goal Rewards
- Class with Highest Donation Total = Pizza/Ice Cream Party!
- Class with Highest Percent Participation (including teacher) = Donuts and Gift Card for the teacher.
- Top Two Earners from each Grade = Pizza Party with Principal Waldie!
- Grade with Highest Donation Total = Popsicle Recess!
When the whole school works together as a team, everyone WINS!
Math Update…
Hello Families,
Read this parent letter to learn more about using math mountains to understand equations. This would be great to continue to practice at home!
Welcome to Ms. Yankee’s 2nd Grade…
Welcome To Ms. Yankee’s Second Grade!
Hello and welcome to the 2nd grade! This site will have all the information you will need to know before starting school on Monday, August 24.
This year will be a wonderful time of growing and learning for your child. Please explore the pages, posts, pictures, and links on our blog to learn more about second grade. As a member of our classroom family, you are invited to sign up for updates by adding your email in the subscribe box. Our blog is a great way to learn about what we do in second grade! This is also the place to check for news about special classroom events. *We also use the ClassDojo app for sharing photos and daily updates. I’ll send out more information soon about signing up for our class account.
Enjoy the rest of summer and encourage your second grader to keep a journal for recording small moment memories. This will be a huge help for your child when we begin writing this fall!
Wondering what your child should bring to school? Check the tab at the top of our blog for the “Class Supply List”.
**To help me get to know your child, please complete this Parent Survey. All results are confidential and will help me prepare for the upcoming school year. Looking forward to a great year together!!
Please read through each section and reach out to me ( with any questions or concerns.
I can’t wait to meet you and your 2nd grader!!
Ms. Yankee
End of Year Video…
So many wonderful memories together…. Missing them so much…. Hope this helps bring back all our great times together…
Thank you, Parents!
Dear incredible parents,
Thank you, thank you! I am so appreciative for all of you and the many hats you have been forced to put on! You’re doing an incredible job navigating this new role not only as parent but as “teacher”. Remember to continue to give yourself grace! We’re all in this together and will get through this stronger! I am sending you all the best vibes daily! I continue to wish for health and safety for all of you through these tough times. Thank you !~ Ms. Yankee
Click this link to hear some special thank you’s! Thank You Parents!