Steam Donation Help!!!

Mrs. Totten, our STEAM specials teacher is asking for our help!!! She is in need of some help for their last lesson in the States of Matter unit.  The students need to design a container that will keep an ice pop from melting.  The materials below are needed: 

Variety of common materials to create a container that may include:

  • Cloth such as old jeans, shirts, jackets, and socks
  • Plastic such as bubble wrap, plastic wrap, and sandwich bags
  • Foam such as packing peanuts or disposable coffee cups
  • Metal such as aluminum foil
  • Other items such as pipe cleaners, paper, or cardboard
If you have these in your recyclable’s at home, please send in anytime tomorrow- thru
 Jan. 29 to our classroom! 
Thanks so much!! The help is appreciated!!!